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Stutsman Gerbaz on a quest for discovering new innovations

The leadership team from Stutsman Gerbaz, based in the American ski resort of Aspen, recently paid us a visit in Rossrüti. Their from overseas was part of a "Swiss construction machinery tour" with the company Eberhard. It was a day filled with engaging conversations about innovation, a showcase of the diverse range of excavator attachments available in our rental park, and even included a live demonstration of our concrete crusher - truly an exciting opportunity for construction machinery fans to talk shop!

The day's highlight, adding to its success, was undoubtedly the cozy get-together in our wine cellar over delicious raclette—a first for our American guests—and savored white wine.

We would like to express our sincere thanks for the informative exchange, the fascinating questions and the interest in our products and our mission as a company.