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Walter Feess hands over family business to the next generation

Walter Feess, a pioneer in the field of recycling and environmental protection, has handed over the management of his company to the next generation at the age of 70, after decades of successful leadership. His children Alexander, Nadine and Benjamin Feess are taking over responsibility and thus securing the future of the family business, which provides over 300 jobs in the region and is a leader in the field of building materials recycling.

Walter Feess shaped the company through his innovative strength and tireless commitment to a sustainable construction industry. He was awarded the Baden-Württemberg Environmental Prize in 2016 for his outstanding achievements.

Gebrüder Egli Maschinen AG would like to thank Walter Feess and his family for their valuable contribution to the environment and their exemplary role in the field of recycling. His commitment to conserving resources and the consistent pursuit of sustainable solutions inspires us and the entire industry. Our partnership in the areas of sustainability, the circular economy and our joint efforts to make a positive impact on the environment will continue with Feess in the future. 

We congratulate the new management team and wish the third generation every success and continued visionary steps towards a green future.